While I took a few days off this week, the first copies of a very orange-colored book hit the shelves here in Germany. We celebrate the official release of our book “WordPress 6 – Das umfassende Handbuch” (The Comprehensive Guide). But let’s start from the beginning.
What Has Happened So Far
In the summer of 2021, Florian Brinkmann took over the work on the major German WordPress guide published by the German IT publisher Rheinwerk. The previous author, Richard Eisenmenger, was already seriously ill at the time and could not handle the revisions himself. For that edition, Flo brought me on board as a technical reviewer. For some inexplicable reason, he liked my comments from the sidelines. And when discussions about a new edition slowly started at the end of 2023, Flo brought me on as a co-author.

Working on this book with Florian over the past year has not only cost us countless hours, but it has also been a great honor and privilege for me. And now I’m sitting here, eagerly awaiting the package with my copy, which is still on its way to me.
Just like the previous editions, in this 3rd edition, we aim to guide our readers from their first steps with the WordPress CMS to running and customizing a successful website. To achieve this, we have completely rewritten large parts of the book and brought it up to date.
The content is divided into five sections and 24 chapters.
- Part 1: Installing and Using WordPress
- Part 2: Customizing and Expanding a WordPress Website
- Part 3: Example Projects
- Part 4: Optimizing and Maintaining WordPress
- Part 5: WordPress for Developers
Beyond this general overview, the Rheinwerk website offers a detailed table of contents, a reading sample, and of course, the option to purchase the book directly.